

We, at Alinma Bank, endeavor to help you grow your business by providing an array of Shariah-compliant corporate financing products such as:

  1. LC Murabaha
  2. Bai Al-Ajel
  3. Forward Ijara Murabaha
  4. Forward Ijara Musharaka (according to customer facility agreement; bank will bear a percentage of goods values and the remaining will be covered by the customer)
Corporate Financing:
  • Murabaha

    Murabaha is an Islamic financing structure wherein an intermediary buys a property with free and clear title to it. The intermediary and prospective buyer then agree upon a sale price (including an agreed upon profit for the intermediary) that can be made through a series of installments, or as a lump sum payment.

  • Bai Al-Ajel

    Bai Al-Ajel facilitates the financing of working capital as per the released facility agreement, where the partner agrees to repay the principle amount plus a profit margin upon the due date.

  • Ijara under Murabaha Specified Assets

    Under this financing structure, the customer enters into a lease agreement with the bank for an existing asset (specified), which has unique identity characteristics (e.g. a real estate asset with specified title deed number). It could also be the case that the asset to be leased (described) is in existence and in multiples, i.e. described but without unique identity characteristics. (e.g. a vehicle whose type and model are specified, but has no specific chassis number)

  • Ijara

    In its most basic form, Ijara provides customers with aShariah-compliant option for the leasing of an asset.

  • Forward Ijara

    This form of Ijara involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or constructed, for future delivery.

  • Musharaka

    Similar to Murabaha, Musharaka entails the customer bearing part of the cost, which under normal circumstances, will not exceed 15%, while the bank covers the remainder.

  • Ijara under Musharaka

    Ijara under Musharaka functions the same as Ijara under Murabaha except that the customer contributes with the bank and bears a minimal cost of the assets.

  • Direct Investment

    Direct investment is a liability product wherein the customer invests an amount with the bank for certain period with agreed profit rate.

Service Forms:
Service Title Download
Bai Al-Ajel form Bai Al-Ajel form
Early payment settlement form (LC Musharaka ) Early settlement Request (LC Musharaka )
Early payment settlement form (Bai Al-Ajel) Early settlement Request (Bai Al-Ajel)
Power of Attorney to Purchase form Power of Attorney,Direct Investment Power of Attorney
  • Syndicated Financing

    Alinma’s competent staff endeavor to provide the best credit solutions for your major projects through the offering of syndicated financing from a broad network of local and international banks.

  • Project Financing

    We work closely with you to help you achieve your goals and aspirations with regard to the development of your projects. Our team will study the specifics of your needs and arrange appropriate credit solutions that can realistically be applied to your circumstances.

Project Financing:
  • Infrastructure
  • Hotels
  • Housing
  • Industry
  • Power
  • Petrochemical
  • Medical & Healthcare
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